Friday, July 3, 2009

Simple as 1,2,3!

I have a little addiction to HGTV. I typically don't watch much television, but I can get sucked into a show on that channel very quickly! I have learned a lot from watching over the years--I have seen things I would love to do to my home and some things I would never do! But, it's always an education, and I love to learn new things.

One of the things that I learned about organizing that I thought was so simple and effective, was the way to organize a HUGE amount of "stuff" when you are starting from ground zero. Begin by separating your extra belongings (after you have determined what those items are) into three groups: sell, donate, toss. It's really that easy! There are usually a lot of things that could bring you a little profit at a garage sale or yard sale--so start there! Then, donate what you can't sell to a church or organization that helps people in need. Finally, there are simply some things that are useless and worthless that just need to be thrown away! Once you have done those things, you have begin to take what you have left in your home and organize it. Now that all that extra "stuff" is gone it will be SO much easier to put things in order.

This process may be easy, but that doesn't mean it won't take some time. It may take you hours, days or even several weeks to sort through everything--but, boy is it worth it!

If you do this, please email me and let me know how it went for you--I love organizing success stories!

Happy sorting! :)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Forced Organization

Living in a super-tiny apartment has been a way to force me into organizing my home. We (myself, my hubby and our daughter) enjoy the essentials of life--basic furniture/decorative items, and living needs (if you include a TV, Wii, etc as "needs") but that's about all. At first I thought I would miss the other miscellaneous items that I had grown accustomed to--there was just absolutely no extra room to keep them around-- but I actually love the simplicity that living with the basics forces us to do. It helps me to keep my life more relaxed and more peaceful. It took a while for me to realize what I could actually live without, but as I slowly got rid of more and more, I realized the amount of junk that I had accumulated over time--and how that junk was serving us no purpose and just taking up space.

Getting rid of all our extra junk wasn't easy--it was especially difficult for my husband to allow me to "minimize" and "downsize", but after it was all said and done, he too, didn't miss any of it.

I have found that eliminating the extra clutter in our home has made a significant difference in the chaos that we used to feel. We move slower, and we have time to really enjoy the happiness in our everyday lives.

When we had our baby, we decided that we didn't need all the fancy accoutrements that so many people buy. It has been wonderful!! Living a minimalist (sort-of) lifestyle has been a blessing to us--and if you ever want to know more about it, I will be happy to share!

So, why don't you head over to that closet and see if there isn't anything you can get rid of!

In my next post I will explain the SUPER EASY way to get started on organizing. You will be surprised how quick and easy it is!
(again, this cute pic is from they have great ideas!)

Where it all begins....

Let's face it--some people love to organize and some people don't! If you are one of those that don't, you can rest easy, because I am one who LOVES to organize and my love has spilled over to such an extent that I want to help others create more peace and calm in their lives by having an organized living/working environment.

Creating a simple and organized home can seem daunting. If you are looking to organize and streamline your whole home or office, the best way to do it is to start one room, one closet/drawer/shelf at a time. View your home as a work in progress and don't allow yourself to become overwhelmed at the thought of having so much to do--it will cause you to want to quit altogether. Think of the way you want your home to be--the peaceful, organized and clean environment that exists underneath all the clutter and chaos.

One concern that people often have is: money. How much will I have to spend to organize my home? The truthful answer is--nothing. You simply don't have to spend a dime to create an organized home. I can show you some AMAZING tricks that will help you organize by simply using what you have around your home! If you want, you can certainly invest in items that can make organizing simple--and you can do it for cheap!!
(This great photo was taken from Cute huh? You can do the same thing for very cheap, and I can show you how!)
It doesn't take much time or money to create the environment you want, it just takes a little effort--and you will be so glad that you did!!!